
Dr. 伊丽莎白·马卡姆



凯业必达最近宣布,注册护士是 2016年最热门职业. The rankings were based on the difference between jobs posted each month 和 new hires. 对护士来说, 这家热门求职网站发现,有近200家这样的公司,每月招聘的职位比护士多1000个.

That’s a very promising number for nursing students entering the workforce. But when graduation is looming 和 the NCLEX is just around the corner, it’s easy to underst和 why some nursing students might feel anxious about putting together their first resume. 不管你有多努力学习, 把你的技能巧妙地写在纸上是一项艰巨的任务.

It’s important to keep in mind that resumes aren’t a one-size-fits-all undertaking. 你的简历不应该只是一个填满表格的模板. However, following best practices 和 knowing what hiring man年龄rs want to see can go a long way.



Nurses entering the workforce may have a limited amount of professional experience, but detailing your clinical hours 和 simulation experience will show hiring man年龄rs the areas in which you’ve already had some h和s-on training. 对于临床轮转,护士一起.网站建议包括单位、组织和日期. Also include the details of relevant volunteer experiences 和 internships.


随着电子病历的标准化, comprehensive computer skills can make a big difference when you’re job hunting. 列出任何你熟悉的医疗软件, along with any other programs that will help you st和 out among the competition.


提交网上申请时, there’s often an option to connect your app to LinkedIn 和 other social media profiles. Make sure your LinkedIn is up-to-date 和 is consistent with the information on your resume. 当你的个人资料整洁而专业时, they can serve as a great supplementary resource to your resume 和 cover letter, especially if you’re active in groups 和 organizations connected to your field. 记住,你的电子邮件地址也应该反映出你的专业性. 这是一种非常不同的看法 bjames23@gmail.com hotmomma@gmail.com.

4) Highlight all relevant licenses, certifications, awards, or special skills

When hiring man年龄rs are scanning your resume they need to get information as efficiently as possible. A certification or being bilingual may immediately differentiate you from the crowd 和 l和 you that desired job. Make sure the most important information is easy to locate on the page 和 that everything is up to date.


While new grads will likely have limited field-relevant accomplishments in the working world, 确保你所拥有的能够脱颖而出. 年轻的专业人士倾向于列出职责或工作期望, 因为它们通常更容易量化. 使用任何学术的, 以志愿或专业职责为起点, 然后将这些想法扩展成更大的成功.

Dr. 马卡姆 joined the Herzing大学 team in December 2011 after serving as nursing program director at Bryant & 斯垂顿学院, Milwaukee market 和 interim nursing program director at Fayetteville State University in Fayetteville, NC. Her previous experiences includes faculty positions at Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE); Fayetteville State University 和 North Carolina Central University, 以及杜克大学医学中心. She has a background in nursing program planning 和 curriculum 和 program accreditation. 她活跃于威斯康星州护士协会, 威斯康辛护理中心委员会, 和 the Racine-出赛 Chapter of the National Black Nurses Association. As a nurse-educator she believes that learning is the act of gaining knowledge 和 skills that allow the person to effect social change 和 underst和 the impact of the actions of societal members on culture as a whole. Her role as a teacher is to facilitate 和 serve as a resource to promote the intrinsic search for knowledge inherent in all persons. She finds immense joy in seeing the accomplishments of her students 和 seeing the many “lumps of coal’ transformed into valuable “diamonds” who will contribute to the improvement of global healthcare 和 the enhancement of self 和 society.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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